Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Days of the Week

In my Arabic class, we have just learned the day s of the week, which is pretty cool since they basically correspond with the numbers. Can you imagine that? What if we had One-Day and Two-Day. Well, I guess we do have Tuesday. Um. So today is Tuesday but I wish it was Wednesday because Tuesday is super-busy at my work and Wednesday is my day off when I spend all day alone writing and reading (and often doing laundry) and then have class from 4pm to 10pm. I was expressing this wish to my friend and she told me not to worry, that it would be Wednesday soon enough, like tomorrow. And it touched me that she had that thought and expressed it to me in order to soften the pain of Tuesday. For real, I was touched, even though of course Wednesday comes after Tuesday, just as surely as four comes after three. And it'll happen again next week, until Apocalypse or Armageddon or something like that.


Anonymous said...

that's how it works in japanese - but for months, only. i wish it applied to days, too, but nooooooo ... they have long, fussy names. at least they all end in "yobi"!

Anonymous said...

i remember that from my arabic class. that days of week had numbers in mind.

wait... really, you didn't know days of the week before? amour, you're practically fluent. fo real?