Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Upon being scooted out of a cafe at closing after sitting for three hours furiously reading and thinking, I find myself back in my room, contemplating an all-nighter.

I find myself standing in the doorway of my bedroom, trying to decide whether to work in bed or at my desk. Desk would be wiser, of course, but it's so cold over there near the window and the wooden surface of the work table is in its own special chaos. Bed...is so much more comfortable, and it seems to be what I've opted for, but would someone please save me and bring me a nice armchair? I have a space for it, in the corner near all my books...

Oh, someone please save me! (Prince Charming? You out there?)

I have fantasies of an army of helpers coming along. I would parcel out bits of my work to be done to each one, asking how much time they'd like to put in, tailoring their assignments accordingly. It would be fun (and fun is first!). I could set up a get-Amira's-homework-done factory right here in my room. I'd even provide snacks!

Oh, woeful procrastination, how did you get me to this point? Yes, and now I'm blogging, procrastinating still, high on caffeine, as the hour of my fate draws nearer and nearer...

1 comment:

Alastair Bland said...

So, hey, have you read that Mark Twain book I gave you??! What do you mean, you "haven't even opened it?"

Just kidding. You sound swamped. I'll read something for you if it's halfway interesting. Really.