Saturday, April 7, 2007


Revision might be the toughest part of writing. I'm new to this whole short story thing. Revising a poem is just have to keep a few lines. I'm working on a 13-page (and growing) story this weekend.

I just made a list to keep things straight:

sally is 76; sally is 19 years older than richard
richard is 57
he hasn't been to the mall since he was 42 (15yrs)
he was married to juliette for 30 years
richard was 27 when he got married
nadine is 23
sara is 18
richard and sally had an affair for a year
richard was 18; sally was 37
richard and ed are the same age
richard and juliette separated three months ago

How's that for a teaser?


Alastair Bland said...

I'm so lazy. I still haven't read the first version you sent me. That was the same story, right? If you don't mind, I may just listen to it on tape.

StaceyBelle said...

This looks like the beginning of a math equation. How old was Sally and Richard when they had their fling. If the train is traveling at 65 miles an hour heading east, how old was Nadine 6 years ago?

AWP said...

ally: yes, i'll read it to you when i'm famous. and stace: yes, it does. it's weird. hopefully the story itself doesn't feel like a math equation.